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A Formula For Certain Success

I am going to teach you my secret method for rapidly becoming an expert in any topic. If you follow this simple formula, you will know more about your chosen subject than 95% of the world's population. Even better, you'll know significantly more than most professionals

A Formula For Certain Success
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"No Rule of Dog-Eat-Dog"

Four days after fighting erupted in what would eventually be known as the Korean War, a strange broadcast appeared over the radio in Seoul. It featured the voice of an American officer, captured only 48 hours earlier. It said: "Dear friends, we, all prisoners, solidly appeal to you as

"No Rule of Dog-Eat-Dog"
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Winning The Wars

The same strategy works in every war. That could be a literal armed conflict or a metaphorical war, like triumphing over a business rival, courting your romantic interest or overcoming your personal weaknesses. The strategy isn't new. It was there in Sun-Tzu's The Art of War;

Winning The Wars