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Daniel Barrett

Musician, Business Owner, Dad, among some other things. I am best known for my work in HAVE A NICE LIFE, Giles Corey, and Black Wing. I also started and run a 7-figure marketing agency.

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Dan's On Vacation - Here's Five Posts To Tide You Over

Hello! (A brief word before I get started: someone hacked my old Twitter account and I'm locked out. Twitter won't help, so I've had to start over. I'd very much appreciate it if you follow my new account, @danbarrett316. [

Dan's On Vacation - Here's Five Posts To Tide You Over
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Are You Recovering?

Note: I'm on vacation, so I'm posting some of past writing that never made it to the web. We'll be back to our normal programming next week. Cheers. I spent the last week or so "performing sub-optimally" - not exercising, feeling tired,

Are You Recovering?
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Asking Questions

Note: I'm on vacation, so I'm posting some of past writing that never made it to the web. We'll be back to our normal programming next week. Cheers. ---- Question: "Am I asking my market the right questions?" ---- A question about

Asking Questions
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Changing Your Mind

Note: I'm on vacation, so I'm posting some of past writing that never made it to the web. We'll be back to our normal programming next week. Cheers. -------- Question: "What would it take to change my mind?" -------- I’m often

Changing Your Mind
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Weekly Roundup: August 20th

Weekly Roundup: August 20th
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Personal Values: Freedom of Speech

"Whose bread I eat, his song I sing." - German proverb On January 6th, 1941, Franklin Roosevelt gave a speech that became known as his "Four Freedoms Speech." In it, he articulated four essential freedoms that people "everywhere in the world" out to enjoy:

Personal Values: Freedom of Speech
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Weekly Round Up: August 13th, 2021

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Personal Values: The Ethics Of Raising Cobras

Better Questions is supported by readers like you. If you get value from my writing, consider becoming a supporting member. [] Exclusive content, weekly deep-dives, free beta-access to future courses and more. Thanks. ---- My wife and I had an emotional conversation recently. She asked me:

Personal Values: The Ethics Of Raising Cobras
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Weekly Roundup: August 6th, 2021

Weekly Roundup: August 6th, 2021
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The Man I've Become

Better Questions is supported by readers like you. If you get value from my writing, consider becoming a supporting member. [] Exclusive content, weekly deep-dives, free beta-access to future courses and more. Thanks. ---- > "There is a simple way, one would almost say a

The Man I've Become