Theory X
This week, we’re continuing our exploration of the work of Sidney Dekker, particularly his book Drift Into Failure. Dekker applies complex systems thinking to issues of safety and organizational decline. In our first essay in the series, we talked about why complex systems are that way. Complex systems’ behavior
Talking About Grief and Resilience with Mason Sawyer, Part 2
Continuing the conversation with Mason Sawyer, today, we explore how authentic vulnerability can lead to a more meaningful connection with others. Mason bravely recounts his extraordinary journey from hitting rock bottom to discovering a newfound purpose in life. His story unfolds with unexpected twists that might just make you rethink

Only Rational
We continue our exploration of the work of Sidney Dekker with what is the single hardest idea to grasp: Failure is rational. We are not talking here about the Silicon Valley cliché of failure, the failure that people point to when they tell you to "fail forward" or
Talking About Grief and Resilience with Mason Sawyer, Part 1
Hello, everyone. Today, we’re talking about coping with loss and grief with Mason Sawyer, host of the 10ninety podcast. Mason will share with us the life-shattering story of losing his family members in a tragic accident. Mason's story isn't just about loss; it's

A Bullet Fired Many Years Ago
Human beings have brought a conflict into being - a conflict between linearity and complexity. The linear is best conceived of as the child of Isaac Newton - the idea that effects have causes, that reality is a series of these linear interactions chained together to produce the universe as
Innovation, Ideas, and The Science of Business with Nick Jain, Part 2
Continuing the conversation with Nick Jain, the CEO of IdeaScale, Dan explores the areas of rapid learning and problem-solving. Learn about harnessing the power of AI to reshape business processes and inspire innovation. Nick reveals insights into overcoming the challenges of technological abstraction and shares practical strategies that could redefine

Just One Man
Things have been hard lately - I won't lie. There are incredible downward pressures on my primary business. That's forced us to go "back to the drawing board" on multiple levels at once. No obvious answer to our problems exists; innovation is required, and
Innovation, Ideas, and The Science of Business with Nick Jain, Part 1
In today’s episode, we have Nick Jain, the CEO of IdeaScale, as our guest. Dan and Nick talk about the cultivation of great ideas and opportunities within organizations. This episode will help you navigate the complexities of business growth and create an idea-rich culture. You will learn how IdeaScale

Weak Ties
Someone in my extended family is planning a wedding, which is a good opportunity to notice interesting things about human behavior. My wife is in the wedding party and recently had a conversation about the bridal shower. After a long phone call about who should be invited ("This cousin,
Inside The Mind of a World-Class Pastry Chef with Chef Kim Hoàng Wood
In this episode, we have the incredible Chef Kim Hoàng Wood, the creative force behind Le Bánh Patisserie in Connecticut. Chef Kim shares her journey from almost becoming an accountant to mastering French pastries. Discover what it takes to run a business that’s more about deep self-expression and uncompromising