Fast-Tracking Progress With a Quarterly Review, Part 2: Feedback
Better Questions is supported by readers like you. If you get value from my writing, consider becoming a supporting member. [] Exclusive content, weekly deep-dives, free beta-access to future courses and more. Thanks. ---- All improvement comes from feedback loops. In our last email, we talked
Fast-Tracking Progress With a Quarterly Review, Part 1: Proximal and Distal Causes
(Photo credit: Giuseppe Grimaldi []) Better Questions is supported by readers like you. If you get value from my writing, consider becoming a supporting member. [] Exclusive content, weekly deep-dives, free beta-access to future courses and more. Thanks. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Making progress can
Weekly Roundup: 6/25/21
This Week on Better Questions This, Or That. [] It's easy to become obsessed with the "what ifs" - the alternate "you"s that made different choices. But in the end, it's exactly what we choose to let go
This, Or That
We want it all. But it's exactly what we let go of that gives our lives meaning.